Information Contacts:
Heng Yi, heng.y@wustl.edu
Qijun Yang, qijun.y@wustl.edu
Jigyasha Timsina, timsinaj@wustl.edu

Developer Contact:
Charlie Repaci, c.repaci@wustl.edu

All positions are on GRCh38.

Additonal data sources:

1. Yang, C., Farias, F.H.G., Ibanez, L. et al. Genomic atlas of the proteome from brain, CSF and plasma prioritizes proteins implicated in neurological disorders. Nat Neurosci 24, 1302–1312 (2021).

2. Bellenguez, C., Küçükali, F., Jansen, I.E. et al. New insights into the genetic etiology of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Nat Genet 54, 412–436 (2022).

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